Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Connor here, sorry we haven't posted in over a week, but that's because we were in Florida for a wedding and we decided to turn it into a vacation and spend the week at the beach.  It was probably the best vacation I have ever been on.  We were practically on the sand and there was hardly anyone nearby.  We caught dozens of crabs and two starfish, we also went play putt-putt golf and feed the alligators. On the way home we stopped at Blackwater River and went canoeing and finaly made the last leg of the journey home.

Here are some pictures of our vacation:
This one is of my brother after we buried him in the sand notice the mowhawk.

Some guys were fishing near us and caught this shark.

These are some of the crabs we caught.
These are the alligators I was talking about.
Here's the sand castle that I made at the beach.
That's me in the Kayak that I rode on Blackwater River.

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