Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lego robot

I was playing around with my Legos and my brother challenged me to a competition to see who could build the better robot out of legos alone.  Obviously I wasn't about to turn him down because I am extremely competitive.  So 2 hours later we brought back our bots to see who had done better.                                                                                                                                           
My robot has hip, knee and ankle joints and shoulder, elbow and wrist joints.
 The chaingun isn't finished but it will be soon.

Airsoft smart charger

This is my new battery charger that I got since I broke my last one.  It is amazingly powerful, I can charge my battery from empty to full in 45 minutes.

Complete airsoft collection

This is all the airsoft stuff that I have.

My Newest Airsoft Gun

This is my new airsoft gun that I bought at academy.  It's a Marines Co2 blowback pistol, 350 fps and a 24 round mag.



Lego Band

These are the lego instruments i've made so far.


amp and bass guitar

                                               keybourd and mic stand
                         and a close up of the drums so you can see how I made it

I havn't made all of them so when I make the rest i'll post them too.  Connor.