Monday, October 17, 2011

Double birthday

Connor here.
My birthday party was Oct. 1st and it was awsome!  One of my friend's birthday was a few days after mine so we decided to throw a double party.  There was more than 20 people playing airsoft plus parents and siblings so we had at least 40 people. 
   I'm going to try to name every one in the photo below but since it was a double party I don't know every body and I might not spell their name correctly so I'm just going to put an x for their name if I don't know it.  left to right:  x,x,Quennt,Sarah,Matthew,Kenny,Joel,Andrew,Nick,Brenton the other birthday boy,me Connor,Jackson,Cole,Eli,Matthew,Jacob,Travis,Charlie.  Some people were not here at the time of this photo and they are not in the others but there were several more kids than these.

This is an old trampoline rim with a tarp and inside are: Nick,Jacob,Charlie.

This is our fort in the back left corner and that's me on top.

This is our treehouse and left to right: Matthew,Travis,Cole,Eli,Jackson,Andrew,Kenny,Charlie,Joel,x.         

This is to the right of our house: Cole,Travis,Kenny.

This is by our barn: Nick,and me

On the right of our house again: Charlie,Jacob,Sarah,Mathew.

This is on the left of our house: and that's me again.

Me and Brenton blowing out our candles.

Christian Hipster

My mom showed me this video that she saw on fb.
