Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Airsoft Tournament

On May 27, we went to Paintball Command in Mandeville.  It was AWESOME!  The entire place is huge. Each area is set up for a different type of match.

                            (note these is not my videos so there might be a few curse words)

         When the video starts, I'm the 4th person from the left, and yes that was a boy with a pink gun.  I was part of the blue team.  We had to rescue the rangers from the downed black hawk while fighting the Somali pirates.  I was one of the rangers attacking the Slaughter House (codename for the Somali base). In the end, we rescued the people from the chopper and we won!


In this round, our objective was to plant a bomb up against the castle which was held by the red team. We got the bomb within 50 feet of the castle, but we couldn't get close enough to plant the it before the time ran out. If you listen closely around the 26:40 min mark,  you can hear my dad yelling "bang bang," which is what you yell when you are close up. It's the equivalent  of shooting someone.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Marksville Hunting Trip

I made two trips to our camp in Marksville this year and I made my first crosbow kill on a doe and she weighed 140 pounds and I killed my first compound bow kill on a 9-point buck and he weighed 215 pounds.

Funny Deer

While hunting with my dad in Marksville we saw this little buck as we were getting out of our stand.

Monday, December 5, 2011

"How to worship"

I just saw this hilarious video on youtube a few days ago and wanted to share it with you.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lego robot

I was playing around with my Legos and my brother challenged me to a competition to see who could build the better robot out of legos alone.  Obviously I wasn't about to turn him down because I am extremely competitive.  So 2 hours later we brought back our bots to see who had done better.                                                                                                                                           
My robot has hip, knee and ankle joints and shoulder, elbow and wrist joints.
 The chaingun isn't finished but it will be soon.

Airsoft smart charger

This is my new battery charger that I got since I broke my last one.  It is amazingly powerful, I can charge my battery from empty to full in 45 minutes.