Monday, August 29, 2011

hunting trip

Connor here, I just went bow hunting in Hondo, Texas with my dad and some friends at a place called the Quatro B ranch after the four owners, Boazman.   On the first three days of the trip I saw all kinds of animals around my stand: Audad rams; pigs; Axis, Fallow, and Whitetail deer; Red stag; Donkeys; and Zebras.  On the last day of the trip I shot a porcupine and my dad said he was going to have him mounted!  It was the most fun hunting trip I have ever been on. 
        Here's a few of the photos from the hunt   (the first two photos are a little blurry because they were taken from 150 yards):

    Fallow doe (adult female, she is on the right)and her fawn (child)

 Fallow doe

this is my porcupine that I shot

You've got to click on this one to make it larger and see it's face!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Funny video

One of my friends showed me this video on youtube and suggested I post it.
                                           WARNING EXTREMELY FUNNY!